Friday, 23 September 2011

US Walkout During Ahmadinejad's UN Speech

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Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the UN
American delegates have led a walk out at the UN in protest at a speech by the Iranian President, reports Sky News.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticised America and accused them of being an "arrogant power", saying they threatened anyone who questioned the holocaust or the September 11 terror attacks with sanctions and military action.
The Iranian leader said the atrocity was "a mystery", prompting American and other western representatives to leave the chamber.
He also said "hidden elements" were involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Ahmadinejad also criticised the killing of Osama bin Laden, saying America should have put the al Qaeda leader on trial.
Reacting to the comments, Mark Kornblau, the spokesman for the US mission to the United Nations said: "Mr Ahmadinejad had a chance to address his own people's aspirations for freedom and dignity.
"But instead he again turned to abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs and despicable conspiracy theories."
There was applause from the remaining delegates at the conclusion of the Iranian leader's address.
Ahmadinejad was criticised by PM David Cameron who took the platform after him.

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